It's been a while since my last post but I've been quiet for a reason. After experiencing my first full rejection of Delve, I've been working on a major re-edit of the manuscript taking into account the feedback from said agent. And in doing so I've now transformed what was a steady 127,000 word manuscript into a much faster, pacier manuscript coming in at just under 95,000 words.
So how did I go about it and what did I learn? I kept a log of my edit and it makes an interesting read.
30th Jan 2012
I thought I'd start a main thread here re. final editing of Delve. I've cut about 13,000 words so far - extraneous stuff that wasn't really needed or adding anything, so down to just under 113k and now need to do a chapter by chapter edit.
6th Feb 2012
I spent Friday rehashing Chapter 2 to give it a new middle scene, and edit it around the edges. And now I've got to do the same with Chapter 3 which is basically amalgamate two previous chapters into one. So I'm still at the hard edge of editing it. Once I get more of the structural stuff done, I'm going to read through the rest of the chapters and take out bits that don't read quite right, or adapt them (but then we're talking cutting or re-editing paragraphs, sentences or words rather than full scenes).
13th Feb 2012
I've skimmed through much of the Delve edit today and have realised that I can't get my wordcount down to below approx 108k, and though it's better than the original 127k that I first subbed, I don't know if it's good enough. To get it down anymore I'll have to cut a major thread out that I wanted to keep in there, which would take it down to nearer 100k. God this is so hard! Not sure what to do.
17th Feb 2012
Couldn't sleep so got up this morning and decided that I need to find a way to get Delve down to around 95k. I've cut out two major threads which were'nt adding much to the core story but which I could bring in later in book 2 or 3. And I also cut out the near rape scene with Drew. It was the only scene where the POV wasn't Rowan's and I think in order to keep the POV consistent throughout it needed to go. So my wordcount is down to just under 100k now - 99,713 words to be exact. With a bit more fringe editing I hope to get it down to the magical 95k and I think that's acceptable for a YA urban fantasy, paranormal novel. There's something almost psychological about it being under 100k like the difference between 99p and £1.
26th Feb 2012
I managed some on the edit yesterday. Up to about chapter 11 and overall wordcount 98,500 words or there abouts. Another manic week ahead so you may not hear from me much
, but I'll try to check in when I can.
I managed some on the edit yesterday. Up to about chapter 11 and overall wordcount 98,500 words or there abouts. Another manic week ahead so you may not hear from me much
29th Feb 2012
Made another bold decision to cut a character and scene that will get me nearer to the magical 95k. I didn't want to do it, but I'm being really harsh with my wip now. It's funny because when I look at my first wip it was 95k and then I completely changed some of the threads, and added additional scenes to take it to 127k and although I'm aiming to get back to the 95k, in some ways it's a different book. And though I'm being harsh now, I think it will be a much tighter and pacier novel.
Made another bold decision to cut a character and scene that will get me nearer to the magical 95k. I didn't want to do it, but I'm being really harsh with my wip now. It's funny because when I look at my first wip it was 95k and then I completely changed some of the threads, and added additional scenes to take it to 127k and although I'm aiming to get back to the 95k, in some ways it's a different book. And though I'm being harsh now, I think it will be a much tighter and pacier novel.
3rd March 2012
Argggh! I'm now questioning some of my editing decisions. Well one or two at least, but if I listen to the doubts I won't hit 95k. What do I do? Of course, I know that only I can answer that question. Stupid mind! Think!
3rd March 2012 (about half an hour later)
It's ok. After a wobble, I'm back on track and avoided reversing my earlier decisions. The main structure is there now I think. Wordcount is 96,500 words. I'm hoping that a little fringe edit again will reduce it further but let's see.
7th March 2012
Thanks all. I have frequent wobbles throughout the day, and not just about writing, although I don't always broadcast them.
Anyway about three quarters of the way through the ms now, and I did reverse at least one editing decision - putting back in a scene that I felt was needed to move the story forward. My total ms wordcount so far is a tad under 98k words. I'm still trying to drive it down but I don't think there's alot of opportunity from here on in to do so. Still I'll have to wait and see.
Hoping to finish the full ms in the next day or so, and then I'll print it and do one final readthrough to make sure it all hangs together. TBH I'm getting bored now with reading it. I've done it so many bloody times now, but I think losing some of my earlier enthusiasm has helped me to be a much harsher critic on the editing.
23rd March 2012
Just a quick update to say that I think I'm there. My wordcount is 95,823. I'm going to print out and read through over the course of the weekend and may end up tightening a word or two here and there, but essentially I think it's as pacey and tight as I can get it whilst keeping true to the core of the story. Some of the things I have done do now have implications on any sequel but I just need get some interest in this novel first, before even worrying about a second.
31st March 2012
Final wordcount was 94,704 so really pleased that I bettered my 95k target if only by a bit. And I've kept most of my chapters around 2,000 to 4,000 words making it alot pacier I hope. And this afternoon, I've been working on my sub package for a new round of agent submissions.
And so in conclusion, I started out on this journey completely daunted by the task ahead. At times I hated what I was doing to my wip; there's something in that expression that people use 'murdering my darlings'. But once I'd got past being so precious about characters or scenes, the manuscript really began to take a much better shape.
It took two months to complete the edit, and I learned that the key thing is to stay true to the core of the story, and to stick to one POV. And any scene, character, setting that didn't add to the story had to go.
During the process, I learnt to trust my instincts too, knowing which parts of the script worked and didn't, and though the whole edit was bloody hard work, I can say now that I actually enjoyed doing it. I not only have a leaner, meaner manuscript, but hopefully I can take what I've learnt to my next wip.
And the best thing about the place I'm at now - I can re-submit again, although I've decided to change the name of my novel to Soul Seer because in some ways it's a different book. Wish me luck.